Sunday, December 22, 2019

The “Evangelical Elites”

“You won’t get rid of abortion through legislation,“ we’re told by Evangelical “leaders” who oppose the President.

The failure there, though, isn’t in the legislation. It’s in the Church and her leaders.

The so-called elites, even in Evangelicalism, are piling on the President in the wake of the impeachment. Even those on social media who at best gave mere hints in the past that they disapproved of him have decided that this is a good time to become more vocal.

They should be paying more attention the main point of Trump’s presidency: he was elected because of their failure. And if there’s one group that should be the most silent and humble in repentance right now, it’s the elites in the Church.

The President, meanwhile, is doing his job. He has been appointing conservative judges by the boatloads to fix the Leftist activist courts that have held us captive for so long. And he has been defunding PP. Would I like to see more from him? Of course. The administration shouldn’t be in any way supporting more immigration or the sodomite community. But no one expected Donald Trump to have the moral standards of a conservative believer, and I’m not surprised he hasn’t done enough in those areas. What he has accomplished is way beyond anyone’s expectations, and far beyond any of his faux conservative predecessors, who promised big and did little.

Fewer babies are dying, and our money isn’t going towards it. It’s hard to respect those who turn their noses up at that.

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