Saturday, December 07, 2019

Libertarians and Conservatives Debate Your “Freedoms”

The current debate between Libertarians and Conservatives on Twitter is whether or not p@rnography should be made illegal. Let’s take a second to appreciate the fact that we’re in such a place culturally and politically that we believe that’s a conversation worth having, which suggests it may actually be something we could see happen. Wherever we land on it, the biggest obstacle in in the spiritual realm. If clarity of the Gospel and holiness of life are not present in individuals, families, and churches, trying to make laws is a vain endeavor.

Those who think this question shouldn’t even be considered hold a fundamental misunderstanding as to what a healthy society and culture looks like. The greatness of our society is not determined by the extent of our individuality/independence, any more than it is determined by our collective diversity, however each of those is defined. The greatness of our society is determined by our conformity to that which is good, true, and beautiful, as defined according to transcendent standards, that is, the person and character of the Triune God, revealed through His Creation and His Word.

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