Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Embracing Change

 There is much beauty to be found in the history of America and even further in Western civilization. But it was not perfect or idyllic. True Biblicalism and in fact true conservatism recognize this. They do not live in a world of fantasy, but courageously embrace reality as they face it. A Biblical approach and conservative approach to reality recognizes the inevitability of change, while seeking to maintain those permanent, transcendent things, those things which are essential. These are God’s Moral Law and the foundational realities of Creation before the Fall. These things transcend race and nation and are applicable to all mankind alike.

A real loss has occurred in the West and in America, and there is certainly a place to mourn over it. But God regularly shakes the foundations, and He regularly does new things. It is His practice to take the ashes of what was and to build a house more glorious than ever existed before. 

There is no regaining a fantasy that never existed and never could. And to live and obsess as if such a thing were possible is to live in romantic unbelief.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Red Wave

 I’m all in favor of a ”Red Wave”, if it actually does anything. But will we still be justifying and paying for the murder of unborn children? Will we still be flying rainbow flags at our embassies overseas? Will our borders still be running drugs and human traffickers through like turning on the outside spigot full blast? If we aren’t going to repent, then the judgment of God is just going to swing back around again in another way before too long. Let’s start hearing some honest public repentance out of some elected officials, and then I’ll start thinking some positive thoughts.

The Flood and Babel as Creation and Fall

 The Flood was a new creation, a re-creation, a new Genesis 1-2. Just as God separated the waters and the land in the original creation, so God separated the waters from the land as the Flood subsided. God preserved Noah and his family, along with representatives of all the animals on earth, so that He might through them start again with a New Creation.

Likewise, the Tower of Babel was a new Fall, a new Genesis 3. Whereas Adam and Eve sought to be like God, without restrictions, so the people at Babel would have been without restraint, had God not confused their language (11:6-7). As God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden, so also He scattered the people of Babel across the earth. In the latter case as in the first, God’s command and intention were the same - that mankind might fill the earth and take dominion over it (1:28, 9:1). But due to Adam’s sin, this could only be fully accomplished by Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:21, 1 Timothy 6:16, 1 Peter 4:11, 1 Peter 5:11, Jude 1:25), and by those after Him who trust in Him and obey the call to fill the earth and subdue it to His Kingdom.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Sacrificing All

 In Deuteronomy 20:5-9, Yahweh gives reasons for a man to be sent home rather than joining Israel in battle:

1.) He has built a new house and has not dedicated it

2.) He has planted a vineyard and has not eaten of it

3.) He has betrothed a wife and has not married her.

And then a fourth reason, set apart from the rest:

4.) He is fearful and fainthearted.

Compare then in Jesus’ parable of the great banquet in Luke 14:18-20 the excuses given by some for not coming to the feast:

1.) He has bought a piece of land and has to go see it

2.) He has bought five yoke of oxen, and has to go test them

3.) He has married a wife.

The parallel seems obvious. Compare also Luke 9:57-62, where Jesus rejects some from following Him:

1.) “nowhere to lay His head”

2.) “Let me go and bury my father”

3.) “Let me…bid them farewell who are at my house”.

In this latter case, Jesus had “set His face to go to Jerusalem” (vs. 51). He was going to war, to conquer by His own death. But in Luke 14, it is a wedding feast. The land has been conquered, and the groom is taking his bride to the home he has set up for them. It is the feast of the Kingdom of God (vs. 15), and only those who are willing to sacrifice all will partake of it (vss. 25-33).

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Postmillennial Christian Summer Camp

 This summer, thousands of school children will descend upon Christian summer camps, where they will fellowship, worship, and hear Scripture taught, many for the first time. Many will be saved, and many will receive the encouragement they need to persevere in faith the rest of their lives.

And yet, because of the twentieth century context in which the Christian camp movement arose, many if not most of those camps will be teaching the view that the world has been gradually growing more and more corrupt, more and more ungodly, since the first century. The world is finally reaching the height of its wickedness, and Jesus will be returning to Rapture His Church soon, after which the world will enter into the Great Tribulation.

Now think about this. The Church, which began when Jesus called twelve men to follow Him, has so grown over the past two thousand years as to spread to almost every country and corner on the face of the earth. Her faithfulness has been blessed by God’s grace with the financial means to buy acres upon acres of land, on which believers have planted camps to bring even more people into fellowship with Christ and His people. And that’s just one small sliver of all that God has done for His people since our Lord walked the earth and gave up his life, the one Who in His life “had nowhere to lay His head”.

Praise God for all the good He will do in these camps. But there is hardly anything more self-contradicting than a summer camp that teaches Dispensationalism. The summer camp movement arose, and continues to exist, because Postmillennialism is true. And in spite of the erroneous end times doctrine these camps teach, the Gospel will continue to triumph, because the complete, sufficient work of Christ makes the contrary impossible.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Return to God

 All societal issues stem from that society’s failure to rightly worship and serve the one, true, Triune God. Faith, public and private devotion to Him in Scripture, song, and prayer, right doctrine, a holiness of life that fights against sin, and serving your neighbor - these are the things that matter.

All the problems that we’re currently dealing with - economic woes, drug addiction, sexual immorality, gender confusion, gang activity, an increase in violence, and so on - have arisen from our failures in those spiritual matters. And the only solution to our problems is by returning to those basic things God requires of us.

We aren’t experiencing some mystical results of something called “karma”, or something having to do with the stars, or even merely the natural results of our own decisions. The testimony of Scripture throughout is that when people abandon Him, He acts in judgment, in time and space and matter. And when they return to Him, He returns to them with love, forgiveness, and healing.

He created us, and even gave all that He could to free the world from sin. He is owed and demands our devotion to Him. There is no other way.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Why No Federal Abortion Law?

 It could just be reversed later on. And what are the chances of Congress passing that right now? Fairly slim, I’d say. We are just blessed to have the right justices currently to maybe overturn Roe. The concern of the Anti-federalists was that laws are better made on a more local level, because so many of them vary according to their application with regard to the specifics of a particular locale. One of their chief concerns also after having just come out from underneath the king was that of reverting to a monarchical type of situation, where tyranny reigned, and the rights and needs of the people were trampled on. They recognized the need to keep leaders in check, and they knew that was easier done at a local level. And that’s simply because of distance and numbers. Given the way our rights are trampled on today, a return to states’s rights would be fantastic. Then we could at least have pockets of lawful protection of the unborn. We could have states in the union that are more Christian, more Biblical, more godly, and the wicked would either have to submit or flee somewhere else. And in those states that refuse to submit to God, they could suffer for their wickedness, while the rest of us could benefit from the blessings of walking in obedience. It would also be easier pull off a secession from the Union, if we decided we no longer wanted to be associated with some of these other evil states (looking at you, California).

The righteousness of the laws of a country hinge on the personal righteousness of its citizens. Until godliness reigns in our private lives, godliness will not manifest in the government and its laws.

Monday, May 02, 2022

Our Poor, Sad, Illegitimate Supreme Court

So according to a Fox News guest, the supposed Supreme Court leaker has delegitimized the court. Listen, once you’ve advocated baby murder, you have no justification for being shocked if fifty years down the line somebody you’ve hired to help you out doesn’t take you all that seriously. You’ve already delegitimized yourself. A law court that is lawless before God has already signed its own death warrant.