Wednesday, April 08, 2020

The Nanny State

A nanny state like the one we’re in now turns its citizens against each other. We become a country of nags and spies. Not only can we not get together, or even stand physically close to the family members we live with, we are made to see each other as contaminants. And we consequently begin to feel the breakdown in our relationships. Because at the end of the day we aren’t made to separate out in our thinking relationship from physical proximity. We are material beings, and closeness intimately signifies relationship.

We are forced to see each other as potential enemies, and that easily and quickly moves to being actual enemies. Totalitarian states see family and friendship as a fifth column against them. And so they regularly take steps to break them up, and force them to rat on each other if they fail to follow the state’s rules. For the totalitarians, the State is supreme, and everything else is dispensable or even hazardous. This is how totalitarianism then makes the family give way to sexual libertinism, which is why you see the two together in the lives of statists. And in this environment love can’t survive, but has to give way to simple power and force. But for evolutionists and God-deniers like the totalitarians, they understand that if their can be no God, then there can be no love.

Is the virus real? Yes. It is also the totalitarians’ dreams come true, a way to destroy all that stands in the way of their wickedness.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Lawless Leaders and a Lawless People

The voices of well-off newscasters complaining about people leaving their homes ring as hollow as when they talk about how much they love their Peloton bikes. Whether it be because so many had been living too close to the edge, or simply because people were already struggling to get by and had no way of doing otherwise, the reality is that a portion of the country were in no way prepared for this. And if bills need to be paid and food needs to be on the table, people are going to leave their houses.
Beyond that, many people aren’t going to listen to a government that has repeatedly over the decades shown itself to not be trustworthy. We can talk about antinomianism or libertarianism or anarchism among the people all we want, but their actions are a response to those who rule over them. We then often see the response “but God is a just ruler, and people still rebel against Him.” And yet Scripture itself lays the blame at the feet of human rulers as well. When those who rule live in wickedness and abuse the people, the people will eventually rebel, in ways however small or great.