Thursday, May 12, 2022

Return to God

 All societal issues stem from that society’s failure to rightly worship and serve the one, true, Triune God. Faith, public and private devotion to Him in Scripture, song, and prayer, right doctrine, a holiness of life that fights against sin, and serving your neighbor - these are the things that matter.

All the problems that we’re currently dealing with - economic woes, drug addiction, sexual immorality, gender confusion, gang activity, an increase in violence, and so on - have arisen from our failures in those spiritual matters. And the only solution to our problems is by returning to those basic things God requires of us.

We aren’t experiencing some mystical results of something called “karma”, or something having to do with the stars, or even merely the natural results of our own decisions. The testimony of Scripture throughout is that when people abandon Him, He acts in judgment, in time and space and matter. And when they return to Him, He returns to them with love, forgiveness, and healing.

He created us, and even gave all that He could to free the world from sin. He is owed and demands our devotion to Him. There is no other way.

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