Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Why No Federal Abortion Law?

 It could just be reversed later on. And what are the chances of Congress passing that right now? Fairly slim, I’d say. We are just blessed to have the right justices currently to maybe overturn Roe. The concern of the Anti-federalists was that laws are better made on a more local level, because so many of them vary according to their application with regard to the specifics of a particular locale. One of their chief concerns also after having just come out from underneath the king was that of reverting to a monarchical type of situation, where tyranny reigned, and the rights and needs of the people were trampled on. They recognized the need to keep leaders in check, and they knew that was easier done at a local level. And that’s simply because of distance and numbers. Given the way our rights are trampled on today, a return to states’s rights would be fantastic. Then we could at least have pockets of lawful protection of the unborn. We could have states in the union that are more Christian, more Biblical, more godly, and the wicked would either have to submit or flee somewhere else. And in those states that refuse to submit to God, they could suffer for their wickedness, while the rest of us could benefit from the blessings of walking in obedience. It would also be easier pull off a secession from the Union, if we decided we no longer wanted to be associated with some of these other evil states (looking at you, California).

The righteousness of the laws of a country hinge on the personal righteousness of its citizens. Until godliness reigns in our private lives, godliness will not manifest in the government and its laws.

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