Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Evangelical Elites and the Real World

The elites certainly have their accomplishments. Scholarship is important. A lot of the ministries do good work (though we’ve seen in the past how some in those ministries make enough money to make us question our giving to them). The media serves a purpose.
But they aren’t as well known as they think they are. And there’s no small measure of self-importance among them.
In my background, the letters before and after your name could count against you as much as they could count for you. Most people don’t care about your master’s or your doctorate.
The best men I’ve ever known were those who would make time for you during your spiritual crisis on a Saturday morning; who would drive three towns over to meet you for lunch when you just started coming to their worship services; who would visit people in the hospital who didn’t go to their church, while their own churches neglected them. The man worthy of respect is the one who will sit with your loved one when he has tubes coming out of him and is nearing the end.
Nobody in the real world cares about your Twitter game.

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