Monday, June 08, 2020

More on the Current Revolution

“Peaceful protests“ following the mass destruction and murder of the riots. Demoralize the people first, and then wear them down with your lecturing and preaching. I’m still searching for the supposed love in it all.


It’s disturbing that what we’ve seen the past two weeks shows how far Leftists will go to gain power (& money) and win an election. Because in the end that’s what this is all about, no matter how much they may say otherwise.


The attempt to pastor from a distance, such as via the internet, is one of the reasons the present chaos is happening. Social media posts are included. The internet is a great tool for information and communication, but it will never substitute for personal relationships. The current crisis is not merely a failure of fathering, but also of pastoring.


And so Minneapolis votes to abolish their police force. It seems like a city-wide watching of “The Dark Knight Rises” should be required before they pull the lever here. Or maybe just a cursory look at revolutions throughout history. I don’t see how the U.S. can remain a union if portions of it are completely lawless.

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