Monday, June 01, 2020

Doing The Unthinkable, Doing What Is Necessary

At some point the number of people, the nature and level of the threat they offer, and their intent, has to outweigh the question of whether or not they are “armed” as we typically think of it.

This is not only not protesting. It is approaching warfare, and in some places it’s there already. Weapons aren’t the issue.

If you think this will eventually stop, if you think this will subside, if you think good will come out of this, you aren’t rightly discerning what’s happening.

Since they claim it’s a systemic problem, they won’t be satisfied until the whole system is destroyed, i.e. the whole country. But in reality they have a lust for blood that will not abate. The depth of wickedness in them is so deep that they will not be satisfied no matter what. If the country is to survive, these people will have to be put down. The National Guard will have to take the final step and do it. We’re past worrying about “optics”. Dead kids on the news? At this rate there will be no news, and no country to report on.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 applies here. It’s the only solution.

Do it, and let the nation mourn, and let their parents remain silent. And if the parents try the same as their kids, take the final step with them as well.

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