Tuesday, June 30, 2020

God’s Judgment Upon The Wicked Is The Salvation Of His People

2 Peter 2:7-9 English Standard Version (ESV)
“(A)nd if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.” 
But without this passage most would assume Lot was unsaved. As in His destruction of Sodom, in every Day of the Lord, when He brings judgment on earth, God is also saving his righteous people from the wicked.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

On the Preponderance of Nooses and the Souls of White Folks

I don’t know where these folks keep finding nooses. I’ve lived in the South about my whole life and the only place I’ve ever seen a noose is on tv.

There’s nooses, and then there’s garage door pulls. To tell the difference it helps to have done some real work in your life, something that neither the media, nor a whole bunch of folks on the Left, have ever done. I suspect that operating a garage door would prove a challenge for these people.


I know that getting black folks’ opinions about current events is the cool thing to do, but if it’s okay I’m going to listen to some white folks too.

The idea that wisdom is limited by, or in any way determined by, race, is false, and is itself bigoted.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Church and Family Create Society and Culture

It’s great that Seattle says they’re going dismantle the autonomous zone. But the people there will continue to hold the same violent ideology, and they’ll keep coming. And this is how a failure of individual discipline, and a failure of church and family, lead to a heavy-handed government. If you don’t discipline your kids, eventually the government will do it for you. Or, in an even worse scenario, nobody will. 
The right preaching and teaching of Scripture creates an orderly society. Chaos is a result of, as Spurgeon put it, entertaining the goats instead of feeding the sheep.

Monday, June 22, 2020

More Scattered Thoughts on The Current Madness

The president talks of immigration reforms, but it’s too little too late. As much good as he’s done, he failed on immigration. And so we are where we are today. To be fair, though, he tried. The Left battered him like they’ve never done to anybody before. It’s just proof that one man can’t do it alone. There was no way he could have undone everything done or set in motion before he came into office. If he does win re-election, the first thing he should do is send Jared off on a long vacation to Siberia.


A people that have sold themselves entirely to popular culture and the immediate won’t care when their history is being torn down around them.

The term “Black Lives Matter” is right now entrenched with Marxism. Once the term has been separated from Marxism for a long time, then affirming it in some formal sense will be appropriate. But for now, you can’t take the one without the other. As much as we’ve been hearing about alleged signal words with supposed white supremacists the past couple of years, this should be obvious.

In revolutions, the mob never stops the hangings with statues. They always move on to actual people. But then again, they’ve already been killing actual people. So that part is already under way.


If your version of "social justice" involves violating or encourages the violating of either the Eighth or the Tenth Commandments, even if you use the State to accomplish it, it is a misnomer, and it is the complete opposite of justice. No trespass against the Law of God is ever just.


The belief that the culture can’t be won for Christ is as much to blame for the current demise of our culture as anything else.


No amount of “police reform” is going to make a difference to a wicked people bent on unjust domination, who are determined to kill and destroy. If you want to feign reform in an attempt to calm people down, go for it. But it won’t satisfy the Marxists.


Are we ready yet to reapply Machen’s categorizations and just call a large part of “Evangelicalism” Liberalism? I think we’re overdue. Fonzie has left the boat in the bay and the sharks are now jumping other sharks.


Nothing screams “I’m privileged!” like attacking strangers, burning buildings, looting businesses, and spraying graffiti on churches.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

No Reasoning With the Lust for Power

There’s a very easy way to illustrate the nonsense regarding the Left’s arguments.

I want all rap music banned because of its association with violence, profanity, and sexual abuse.

The argument would then come back “but not everything about rap music is bad.” And then the point is made.

But the Left doesn’t care about logic. It cares about power and achieving its goals.

With the amount of violence going on, not just toward statues or private property, but against people, the government is beyond neglect at this point. It is itself lawless. It is violating its covenant with its people. I think it’s reasonable to say we no longer have a government, at many levels and in many places.

Any government official that is not willing to sacrifice the possibility of re-election to restore order is not worthy of the office they hold. And at some point we have to say that they have forfeited their office. This is at the very least true in places like NYC, Minneapolis, and Atlanta.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Foreign-Funded Trap

Why isn’t the president doing more to end the chaos? It’s because of the election. If he were now to do what needs to be done, he would lose in November, putting America on an even worse path long term. This concerted effort of destruction by the Left has been perfectly timed to accomplish a lot of their goals and to tie the president’s hands in the matter. So the White House is stuck in a holding pattern, until the election is over. But beyond this, the amount of destruction and violence is nearly overwhelming. This is really the responsibility of the states first of all, who have in many ways failed to do their duty. There’s no telling how bad things will be five months from now. But there’s little the president can do now.

Giving Us Over, For the Destruction Of The Flesh

There’s little that a minority of upright leaders can do when the majority of the people cry out to become more like the nations. You hit a point where the best you can do is leave the people to their foolishness, and hope for better things on the other side of it all (1 Sam. 7-8).

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sexual Immorality and Apostacy

I saw a few folks talking about this, so I thought I would try to put out my own attempt at stating the relation between apostasy and sexual immorality, which is very common in our day.

Our regard for God - and those created in His image, by extension - and obedience to His Law, stand in inseparable relation to one another. The Law is that which proceeds from a holy personal God, as an expression of His perfect and unchangeable character and attributes. And so when we violate His Law, we begin to treat Him and those made in His image as common, and not sacred. It’s the process of demystification, of desacralization, which leads to the collapse of families, churches, cultures and societies. We no longer see God as a holy person to be regarded as worthy of our worship, and we no longer see or treat each other as persons made in the image of the holy God. We consequently begin to see and treat each other as objects for our own ends.

That our God and our neighbor are both holy and personal beings are equally key in this.

This is how sexual immorality leads to unbelief in those we might formerly have seen as the strongest believers we’ve known.

This is also why antinomianism is impossible in those truly born again. Salvation and obedience are always found together.

Monday, June 08, 2020

The Government We Deserve

Laws increase when a people live in defiance of God. If you want to defund the police, the right way to do it is through a reformation of Church and Family. Government overreach is a problem in itself. But in our current situation, it’s something that to a large degree we’ve brought on ourselves. When we turn our backs on God, God then turns His back on us, and He leaves us to become slaves of whoever has the power on earth to make us such.

More on the Current Revolution

“Peaceful protests“ following the mass destruction and murder of the riots. Demoralize the people first, and then wear them down with your lecturing and preaching. I’m still searching for the supposed love in it all.


It’s disturbing that what we’ve seen the past two weeks shows how far Leftists will go to gain power (& money) and win an election. Because in the end that’s what this is all about, no matter how much they may say otherwise.


The attempt to pastor from a distance, such as via the internet, is one of the reasons the present chaos is happening. Social media posts are included. The internet is a great tool for information and communication, but it will never substitute for personal relationships. The current crisis is not merely a failure of fathering, but also of pastoring.


And so Minneapolis votes to abolish their police force. It seems like a city-wide watching of “The Dark Knight Rises” should be required before they pull the lever here. Or maybe just a cursory look at revolutions throughout history. I don’t see how the U.S. can remain a union if portions of it are completely lawless.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Surrender, or the Fall of the West

I don’t know if anybody would remember seven years ago when I was talking about the Cultural Marxist takeover of comics, and saying that those people also worked in TV and movies, and that the ideology would work its way out into the broader society and culture. But here we are. Of course, it’s been working longer than that. But he who writes a people’s stories is he who rules the world. According to Francis Schaeffer’s accounting, religion is the last step in cultural domination. And Evangelicals have finally given themselves over to the Marxists’ lies. But that kind of surrender only comes by first surrendering to sin in your private life, where nobody sees who you really are.


Police laying down their shields, kneeling before protesters. This is surrender. And it indicates that those who were in power know that due to their own compromises they no longer have the spiritual and moral authority to command others. But the side they’re surrendering to don’t have it either. They haven’t earned it; God hasn’t given it to them. They’re probably more corrupt than those in power. This is anarchy in the truest sense. The near future is only chaos, until God makes things right again.

The future of God’s Church is in the East, while the West will languish. The most likely thing to happen now is for the Communist regimes of China and North Korea to crumble.

Are the moral compromises the things they’re accused of? Some of those things do exist. But the moral compromises are actually more those things we all know Scripture to condemn men for. Any number of sins listed in Scripture apply. Romans 1 is probably the best place to start.

Our Tenth Plague

The terrors of the past few days have been our Tenth Plague of Egypt. For the blood of every innocent aborted child crying out of the ground to God, for the cries for justice rising from the people of God, for all our wickedness, God sent his avenging Angel to bring the Day of the Lord upon us, working through those who are evil. His wrath had reached full measure, until He could take no more, and it was finally let go. He required sacrifice, the putting down of those committing these daily atrocities, the looting, the destruction, the assaults and murder. A generation of wicked children should have met, at the hands of government authorities, the judgment required by Deut. 21:18-21. A sacrifice should have been - had to be - made to appease God, for all our evil, to drive away His wrath. But we refused.

But now it’s too late, and God has given us up, given us over to all we deserve. Ichabod - the Glory of the Lord has departed.


This cowardice we’re seeing from American leadership is indicative of a complete breakdown of authority. It is illustrated in the Gospel of Matthew, when it says of Jesus that “he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” The failure is a spiritual one, and it exists in every elected official or other government figure who refused to deal rightly with the evil people among us over the past few days. It exposes their own private moral failures, and signifies that America is truly fallen.

“As I began to contemplate the theater of the absurd that we Americans have been living through in recent days, I found the most useful place to begin was an essay by Sam Francis published in Chronicles 26 years ago, ‘Anarcho-Tyranny USA.’ In this long, thoughtful piece, Francis contrasts the eagerness to criminalize what had been innocent behavior with a reluctance to confront genuine criminality and undoubted threats to public order. Francis wrote:

This condition, which in some of my columns I have called ‘anarcho-tyranny,’ is essentially a kind of Hegelian synthesis of what appear to be dialectical opposites, the combination of oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding and, simultaneously, a grotesque paralysis of the ability or the will to use that power to carry out basic public duties such as protection of public safety.

It is hard not to read those words without thinking of Americans being arrested for taking their children to the park, going to church, or strolling on the beach; followed a few weeks later by entire police forces becoming passive spectators as rioters burned, pillaged, looted, maimed, and killed. It’s a stark contrast between the media opprobrium directed at ordinary citizens for standing too close to each other or not wearing masks in public, and the excuses offered for those who ignored the conventions of social distancing to smash shop windows and passersby.”

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

American Christianity’s Foolish Leaders

As terrible as the death of George Floyd was, if you’re only concerned about that but callous and/or mocking about the horrors of the past few nights... if you’re more concerned about the president holding up a Bible than you are about all the evil that has been carried out by rioters...then your moral compass is broken. You need to return to God and His Word again.

A large portion of American “Christian” leadership is an embarrassment right now. Clueless, ungodly, unable to apply Scripture correctly. These people are as much a judgment on us as anything else.

Monday, June 01, 2020

“We Need To Have A Conversation”

You’ll notice there is never an end to the “conversation” or cries that “we need to have a conversation”. And that’s because it isn’t about having a conversation. The conversation goes on and never ends. And that’s because it isn’t meant to. The “conversation” is a method of control and power. It is intended to achieve power by keeping those currently in power constantly questioning, doubting, and feeling guilty, even when they have nothing to feel guilty about. It sets the goal as utopia, something that cannot and will not be achieved in this world.

In a fallen world all sorts of people become victims of police brutality and other forms of evil by the State. Those who try to arrogate that to only their own subgroup of society are no longer concerned about the issue they claim.

Doing The Unthinkable, Doing What Is Necessary

At some point the number of people, the nature and level of the threat they offer, and their intent, has to outweigh the question of whether or not they are “armed” as we typically think of it.

This is not only not protesting. It is approaching warfare, and in some places it’s there already. Weapons aren’t the issue.

If you think this will eventually stop, if you think this will subside, if you think good will come out of this, you aren’t rightly discerning what’s happening.

Since they claim it’s a systemic problem, they won’t be satisfied until the whole system is destroyed, i.e. the whole country. But in reality they have a lust for blood that will not abate. The depth of wickedness in them is so deep that they will not be satisfied no matter what. If the country is to survive, these people will have to be put down. The National Guard will have to take the final step and do it. We’re past worrying about “optics”. Dead kids on the news? At this rate there will be no news, and no country to report on.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 applies here. It’s the only solution.

Do it, and let the nation mourn, and let their parents remain silent. And if the parents try the same as their kids, take the final step with them as well.