There is much beauty to be found in the history of America and even further in Western civilization. But it was not perfect or idyllic. True Biblicalism and in fact true conservatism recognize this. They do not live in a world of fantasy, but courageously embrace reality as they face it. A Biblical approach and conservative approach to reality recognizes the inevitability of change, while seeking to maintain those permanent, transcendent things, those things which are essential. These are God’s Moral Law and the foundational realities of Creation before the Fall. These things transcend race and nation and are applicable to all mankind alike.
A real loss has occurred in the West and in America, and there is certainly a place to mourn over it. But God regularly shakes the foundations, and He regularly does new things. It is His practice to take the ashes of what was and to build a house more glorious than ever existed before.
There is no regaining a fantasy that never existed and never could. And to live and obsess as if such a thing were possible is to live in romantic unbelief.