Saturday, November 30, 2024

Matter and the Beloved Son

 Matter is good, and material things are good. We know this because God declared them to be good when He created them. And even now, though corrupted by sin, creation at its core is still good. Contrary to what is sometimes conveyed by often well-meaning people, capitalism and commerce in themselves aren’t the problem - in fact, they are good. The problem isn’t with stuff - it’s our attitude, and what we do with the stuff. “Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”   In our sinfulness, we are ungrateful for what we receive, and we take what we’re given and use it sinfully, rather than for the glory of God. The answer lies neither in rejecting material things, nor in sinful indulgence, but in receiving with gratitude, giving with generosity, and in living in holiness. The God who created the world incarnated His Son in matter, in human flesh, to redeem us from our thanklessness and materialism. We refused and mishandled His gifts, and He still redeemed us by giving His greatest gift.

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