Thursday, December 15, 2022

Superstition Ain’t the Way

 I find it increasingly bizarre the kinds of things fellow professing Christians believe. So here’s a post addressing one of those things.

Superstitions and Christianity do not mix. If you are so inclined, you can break all the mirrors you want, walk under all the ladders you want, and have 1000 black cats cross your path, and it will mean absolutely nothing. Bad luck, so called, will in no way result from those things. There is, in fact, no such thing as good luck or bad luck. Luck does not exist. Everything that exists in the universe is under the control of a sovereign God, and nothing is outside of His control. Everything that happens is as a result of His divine decree and comes about by His providence. That does not mean that there are not consequences to our obedience or disobedience of His law. It also does not mean that people do not make mistakes. We’re fallible creatures, and things are going to go wrong in this fallen world. But superstitions posit the idea that there are some spiritual forces in the universe operating outside of God’s control, and that they for some reason will “get us” if we do the weirdest of things, like breaking a mirror. But this is a lie from the devil, and it is intended to keep us bound up in fear and distracted from knowing God and serving Him. 

There’s a reason why superstitions always seem to overlap with the occult. Both begin with refusing to trust in God. Then, finding ourselves in the fear of our unbelief, we are left scrambling for ways to control the world around us, a world we know in our hearts we can’t control. Superstitions and the occult are both ways men try in their futility to control the world. But they both only end in sorrow and pain.

Trust God and reject superstition. Seek to know Him through His Word. This, and this alone, is the path to peace, as we live our lives in this seemingly chaotic, sin-damaged universe.

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