Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Contemporary “Christian” Musicians

 Here’s the thing about Contemporary Christian Music, and along with it the Contemporary Worship scene. The safe assumption to start out with is that their theological knowledge is severely lacking. You should expect to find errors, sometimes serious, and sometimes just silly. You can also expect that at some point later in their lives some of them will admit either that they were never Christians to begin with, or that they have apostatized from the faith. If you want good theology, which you should, and if you want Biblical direction for your life, the place to start is with a solid Bible-believing church that isn’t afraid to use the word “theology”. The worship should not be dry and dull, nor should it be chaotic, but rather reverent, sincere, and passionate. And then you should start reading theological books, by good theologians, the kinds of teachers most people have never heard of, but who are solidly grounded in the historic doctrine of the Christian faith. Look to godly people in your life for recommendations, and don’t be afraid to read outside of your own church tradition.

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