Thursday, January 14, 2021

Let’s Impeach (Twist) Again

 It’s like the Catholic Church digging up the bones of dead “heretics” after they’re long gone and burning them, just to show them. Whenever he finally kicks the bucket they’d better bury his body in an unknown place, or some loony enraged Leftist will try to do that to him too. Or maybe some “Republican”, given the Rinos out there.

Maybe they should work in a third impeachment, you know, just to complete the trilogy.


Based on Fascistbook’s ads I’m getting, they think a war is coming and I’m going to partake. They also think I have a smoking problem and my nonexistent dog needs high-quality vegan bacon treats.

They are quite happy to benefit financially off of the social unrest. But there are no branches of the Federal Reserve in Hell, shocking though that may be.


“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.“

Poor, naive deplorables that they were.

How incredibly familiar. I wonder how many “shepherds”, particularly among the NeverTrumper scholars, looking snobbishly down their bespectacled noses at the rubes supporting Trump, still have their jobs, their houses, their health insurance? 

But he is so distasteful. So unsophisticated. He eats MacDonalds and says not nice things.

At what point do we enter the territory of “tithing mint and cumin”? I dare say with some we’re awfully close.

I can’t help but keep thinking of The Name of the Rose. As the people suffered in squalor and ignorance outside the monastery walls, inside the scholars debated the penultimate theological question of whether or not Jesus owned the robe He wore.

The whole thing is nauseating.

This sort of cluelessness from the scholars is why the average Christian will listen to the subpar or even heretical theology of some guy wearing a ball cap and pontificating in a video behind the wheel of his truck about things he barely understands, rather than listening to the better theology of the scholars.

He bears their flesh. And the scholars don’t.

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