Tuesday, December 15, 2020

On Christian Nationalism

 I’m not a nationalist in the strict sense of the term. It seems to me that nationalism has had a centralizing effect that has been detrimental to this country ever since the Constitution, one that takes away the rights and responsibilities that belong solely to individuals, families, and other bodies. In fact, that nationalism is very much to blame for many of the problems we suffer today. But Scripture makes it clear that every nation, country, city, county, state, and any other grouping of territory or people, owes its allegiance to Jesus the King alone. And it is the duty of every such body to declare its allegiance to King Jesus, along with the Father and the Spirit, the Holy Trinity, and no other “god”, with no lack of clarity on the matter. All things in Heaven and on Earth have been given to the Son by the Father in His ascension, and to refuse to bow and serve Him is idolatry and rebellion against Him, the one true Ruler of all things. Insofar as any body refuses to worship and serve Him, its judgment by God is just, deserved, and inevitable.

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