Friday, September 04, 2020

Assorted Fascistbook Thoughts

You know, given the past few months, the Obamas’ move out to safe Martha’s Vineyard was rather interesting. I’m sure it was just a coincidence.


“America will never become a socialist country,” the president said. Not only have the Left pushed us into socialism, they’ve managed to make the president an active party in it.


You know how that hair salon lured Pelosi into their trap? With wine and ice cream. True story.


At what point is a government negligent to the point of illegitimacy? At what point have they ceased fulfilling their part of the contract such that the contract is no longer valid?


As the k*y*l*e situation is proving once again, there is no difference between Fascistbook and the National Socialists when it comes to the communication of inconvenient truths.


“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips“ - Proverbs 27:2. Let the memers of their own tweets understand.


Has President Trump had a mini stroke or transischemic attack somewhere along in his life? It’s possible. I think there are many, more than we would expect, that occur in people and are never detected, especially as we get older, and in times of high amounts of stress. Stress itself is a bigger contributor to aging, sickness, and death than it’s given credit for.

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