Sunday, August 16, 2020

Conservative Statism

Governor Cooper wants to keep government schools closed for now or at reduced capacity. Some conservatives are arguing that we should be opening them, because single parent families need them to babysit their kids. The quote from Dabney about American conservatism that I posted this morning screams out here. Why are Christians arguing for more Statism, and for more opportunities for reprobates to catechize their children? Do we need more occasion for unbelievers to draw them into immorality and godlessness? Haven’t they already led enough into Hell as it is? Are we so clueless about what brought about the chaos of the past two months? This is why the Church is so impotent in America today. We fail in knowing Scripture, and we fail in applying Scripture. Government schools exist to turn your children into worshippers of the idol of the State, and to raise up mindless workers for the corporations who pay off the politicians we so obediently vote into office. Do you want to raise men and women who are free in Christ? Do not turn them over to the State to be “educated”.

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