Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cultural Marxism’s Long March Through Geekdom

Apparently in the upcoming “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” Disney show, Marvel movie history will be changed, making a black man the first Captain America, before Steve Rogers. And that’s what Cultural Marxism does. Even in the world of fiction, it tries to claim the place of historical primacy. You take an existing fictional world, and write a work within that world that is a prequel, making somebody who isn’t a white heterosexual male the first hero of that world. If you tried to do that with Black Panther there would be riots. The point is that claiming a mythology is to claim the culture and society in which that mythology plays a significant role. You take away what inspires and defines that culture and its people, in order to demoralize its people and tear them apart. It is one part of the long march through the institutions. From a Marxist perspective, it is an act of war.

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