Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cultural Marxism’s Long March Through Geekdom

Apparently in the upcoming “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” Disney show, Marvel movie history will be changed, making a black man the first Captain America, before Steve Rogers. And that’s what Cultural Marxism does. Even in the world of fiction, it tries to claim the place of historical primacy. You take an existing fictional world, and write a work within that world that is a prequel, making somebody who isn’t a white heterosexual male the first hero of that world. If you tried to do that with Black Panther there would be riots. The point is that claiming a mythology is to claim the culture and society in which that mythology plays a significant role. You take away what inspires and defines that culture and its people, in order to demoralize its people and tear them apart. It is one part of the long march through the institutions. From a Marxist perspective, it is an act of war.

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Boy Scouts, And The Judgment of God

Decades of child abuse in the Boy Scouts eventually led to complete gender confusion, and now, lawsuits leading to bankruptcy. Leviticus 18 and Romans 1. It’s how sin and the judgment of God work. Whether or not the rest of the country will have to go through the same thing has yet to be fully seen, though to a large degree we are already. The leadership of San Francisco can’t connect the dots between their decades of rampant sodomy, the drug addiction, the failing government policies, and the homelessness. But the connection is there anyway.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

It’s Idolatry. I’d Recognize It Anywhere.

You know how to tell if you’ve made an idol out of something? Just ask somebody who doesn’t think you should enjoy that thing, or who doesn’t like where you stand on that particular thing. They’ll be sure you’ve made an idol out of it. And I’m pretty sure that’s a solid, reliable judgment. I’ve found this works both with people you only know through social media and people you know casually in everyday life. The key, though, is that they have to think they know you better than they do. It helps if they think they’re especially good at reading other people’s hearts, too. And Charismatics that think they’re prophets? Always 100% accurate on this.

It really helps if they’ve found a website that will pay them money to write an article about it. Or, actually, the sense of power and glory that comes from it will do it. 

If their party is out of power and they hate the guy your party has in office? Trust me, you’re an idolater. Anybody could see that.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Nancy Pelosi’s Father Hunger

Pelosi and Trump haven’t spoken for months, since he called her “a third-rate politician”. That’s one part of why she tore up the SOTU address last night. But she went into the event willing to go through with the formalities of the address in a way respectful of Trump, even though all his words and actions, and those in particular, have been grinding away inside her since then.

It might seem strange, but Trump, in his behavior as president, and even to Pelosi, is Dad. What she wants most of all, even in the midst of all the other garbage of Washington, is Dad’s approval. But not only is he not giving it, he’s been giving harsh criticism of her. And he’s doing it because he’s serious about the business at hand. Sure, his ego is in play. It always is. But despite what some think, he really is in the business of making American lives better. He recognized the mess we were in, and as opposed to most politicians, he wasn’t going to be about playing games. His goal was going to be about fixing the problems. If there’s one thing he hates, it’s the games of the Swamp that are always about benefitting themselves and doing no real good.
So Dad stepped in when he became president, made his authority known, and has been acting on it.

Pelosi is many things, but she is first of all a woman. She has already been frustrated repeatedly on many fronts by him. But she still approaches Washington like a game, one where she can fight Dad and insult him, she hopes, and still be approved of by him. But he’s not having it.

Not only is he not giving her any sort of relationship, or communication, or approval. To bring the whole thing to a head, he shamed her in front of all of her peers, and in fact, the whole world, when he refused to shake her hand. And she took it personally. So she was determined from that moment on to find a way to get back at him.
So as crazy as it might sound, the whole thing is about a woman with a serious case of father hunger. It isn’t first of all about politics for her. She’s a woman, and it’s about relationship and approval.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

There Is No “Homophobia”

Sometimes it’s good to state basic truths that people don’t know or have forgotten.

“Homophobe” is a term invented by the Left to attack Christians who don’t support their sodomy. And like all such Leftist terms, it doesn’t really describe the views of the person it’s used to criticize. It isn’t about “phobe” or fear, but not supporting the sin of homosexuality.

There is no “homophobia”. For the sodomites, it’s all about controlling language, to control the narrative, to control people, society, and culture. It’s to live without responsibility or the judgment they deserve, and to win others over to their evil.

Since we’re at the point where formerly conservative denominations can’t even get the simple stuff right anymore, it looks like we’re going to have to do more of this.