Saturday, August 11, 2012

This World is Your Home

We are establishing the colonies of heaven here, now. When we die, we get the privilege of visiting the heavenly motherland, which is quite different than moving there permanently. After this brief visit, the Lord will bring us all back here for the final and great transformation of the colonists (and the colonies). In short, our time in heaven is the intermediate state. It is not the case that our time here is the intermediate state. There is an old folk song that says, "This world is not my home, I'm just passing through." This captures the mistake almost perfectly. But as the saints gather in heaven - which is the real intermediate state - the growing question is, "When do we get to go back home?" And so this means that heaven is the place that we are just "passing through." ~ Douglas Wilson, "Heaven Misplaced", pg. 24

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