Wednesday, November 30, 2022

A Quick Word on “Kinism”

 Where I stand…The term “kinism” is being thrown around too loosely these days. In the past it has meant the idea that the white ”race” is superior to all other races, to the point of suggesting that all other races are sub-human - things Scripture condemns. Scripture is also pretty hard on those who would condemn interracial marriage. I’m a conservative, because slow integration reflects Biblical wisdom. But Scripture also celebrates the coming together of all peoples in Christ. That in no way negates the fact that multiculturalism has been foisted upon us by the world elites in a foolish and harmful way.

Those who are insistent on a perpetual separation of what they call “races” need to spend this Advent season digging deep into the Book of Isaiah, and then take some time to study how God has spent the whole scope of Scriptural history from Abram on undoing the separation of peoples that occurred in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Abram’s journey itself began the reunification of nations, a reunification process that God through the work of Christ is continuing to this day.