Is Giorgia Meloni a new Mussolini? The majority Leftist Western media would certainly have you to think so. But the media, along with the rest of the unbelieving post-Enlightenment West, is interminably unable to break out of their European Left-Right paradigm to understand a Christian Conservative social order. Without faith, Christendom is beyond them.
The Leftists, that is, the Communists and Socialists that make up the unbelieving faction of the Western world, occupy a position that holds no substantial difference from Fascism. But Fascism is not Conservatism. The philosophical basis of Fascism, Socialism, and Communism is the same, that of a denial of the knowability and ultimately the existence of God. With all three, one is in the end left with a shattered epistemology and nothing but the will to power. Not only can nothing be truly known or believed, nothing can be truly loved. Meloni, in contrast, is clearly a Conservative and a Christian. And while I would differ with her on nationalism, that is less important than the other, more central issues she is defending.
Her election is an answer to prayer, the mercy and grace of God. It is something to be celebrated. May God be glorified, and may more like her be raised up.