Thursday, June 02, 2022

Hegelian Disney

  With the Reva character on the Obi-Wan show, it has to be understood that Disney knew what they were doing when they created that character. And they knew what kind of response they would get. It was all deliberate. For the Left, both in media and business, it’s Alinsky tactics all the way. Never let a crisis go to waste. Any kind of attention can be turned into profitable attention, and/or attention for the sake of promoting an ideology or political/social goal. You know you’re going to get a response, because that was the point in the first place. And so you highlight the most extreme responses in the media and broadcast it loudly for the world to hear. All that matters is power and money. 

But in such a situation love and truth cannot exist, which is why the developed world is disintegrating both morally and socially the way that it is. To approach life pragmatically, only for personal gain, only for your own goals of power and money, is hate. It fragments healthy social bonds, healthy relationships. Fear, distrust, a constant state of war, a perpetual position of fight or flight, can be the only outcome.  The inevitable result is death, both individually, and socially.

Why is it that Hollywood marriages rarely last? It’s because of the commodification of the self, and of everything. When your brand is yourself, and that is what is most important to you, in a world that knows no Sabbath, humanity is inevitably lost. Man as made in the image of the Triune God fades away. All that’s left is a black hole, a vacuum that everything else is sucked into and destroyed.

When you act according to the Hegelian dialectic, you can never have anything else than the Hegelian dialectic. Peace and rest will never be the result.

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