Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Find the Sin

 Isn’t the constant game of “find the sin”, which happens on social media, and which is prevalent among the Reformed brethren, exhausting? And it doesn’t seem at all to follow the pattern we see in Scripture, with regard to the presentation of truth and our interactions with each other. The writers of the Bible themselves, as spokespersons of God, were far more poetic and seductive than we tend to be, as was our Lord himself. Beyond that, God thankfully is far more patient with us than we tend to be with each other. He gives us a lifetime in which to become sanctified, while we tend to expect it of each other instantly in any given moment. We are all partly unbelievers until we die, Calvin said, and this should result in large amounts of patience, compassion, and understanding.

Gratitude, quiet kindness, and the pursuit of beauty should probably characterize our lives more than they actually do. And if they did, it would probably bring more health to the church, and more real change in the world around us. 

At what point are we giving godly, loving counsel and rebukes, and at what point are we simply laying upon each other burdens too heavy to bear?

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