Tuesday, December 22, 2020

This Evil Stimulus Package

Congressman Ted Budd, on Facebook, said the following a few hours ago:

“I wish I could have voted for a targeted COVID relief bill several months ago. We need to end economic lockdowns and support small businesses and their workers. But this package is a classic Washington shakedown game, and I’m not playing it.

Instead of going through the normal legislative process to pass a targeted COVID relief package, a handful of Congressional leaders emerged from their backroom with a trillion-dollar package that had to be attached to another multi-trillion-dollar spending bill in order to pass. There was no real debate, no amendments, and no time to comprehend a 5,593-page spending package that represents one of the largest spending bills in U.S. history. That’s no way to run our government.”

But even this, as true as it is, is way understated, given the suffering Americans are going through, and the wickedness of this package. Which goes back to why Trump was elected, with all his brashness. People are tired of wimpy talk and hollow procedure that do nothing. Instead we get this package that does more for the rest of the world than it does for the Americans who are starving and sinking further into debt. And, it is our children who are paying for it. As somebody has already said somewhere, our leaders hate us. It is impossible to measure their arrogance and spite towards us. If you haven’t been praying imprecatory Psalms against them and begging for God to deliver us from them, you should be.

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