Friday, November 06, 2020

Atomism, Politics, and Salvation In Time

 It’s only political idolatry when Conservatives do it, apparently. Or, actually, the Left pretends to not be acting politically while being political. Or, even better, let’s stop pretending that morality and ethics - rather, righteousness and the Law of God - can be detached in one sphere of life from how it exists in any other sphere of life/reality. This attempt at Atomism is a denial of the unity of the created order under the One Who created it.


I have been thinking to myself, “well, if Biden wins, I suppose a lot of us will have to learn from our foolishness the hard way, again.” But that’s exactly the problem - we keep not learning, not gaining wisdom or discernment. We keep suffering the greatest judgment, that of being given over to our foolishness. This is Biblically the act of God forsaking a people, leaving them to sink deeper and deeper, to a place with no hope of salvation, a place where He will no longer save them. And to think that this is somehow a misapplication of Scripture as it relates to politics, or a confusing of politics and soteriology, reveals a failure to understand what salvation really is.

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