Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Surrender, or the Fall of the West

I don’t know if anybody would remember seven years ago when I was talking about the Cultural Marxist takeover of comics, and saying that those people also worked in TV and movies, and that the ideology would work its way out into the broader society and culture. But here we are. Of course, it’s been working longer than that. But he who writes a people’s stories is he who rules the world. According to Francis Schaeffer’s accounting, religion is the last step in cultural domination. And Evangelicals have finally given themselves over to the Marxists’ lies. But that kind of surrender only comes by first surrendering to sin in your private life, where nobody sees who you really are.


Police laying down their shields, kneeling before protesters. This is surrender. And it indicates that those who were in power know that due to their own compromises they no longer have the spiritual and moral authority to command others. But the side they’re surrendering to don’t have it either. They haven’t earned it; God hasn’t given it to them. They’re probably more corrupt than those in power. This is anarchy in the truest sense. The near future is only chaos, until God makes things right again.

The future of God’s Church is in the East, while the West will languish. The most likely thing to happen now is for the Communist regimes of China and North Korea to crumble.

Are the moral compromises the things they’re accused of? Some of those things do exist. But the moral compromises are actually more those things we all know Scripture to condemn men for. Any number of sins listed in Scripture apply. Romans 1 is probably the best place to start.

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