Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dealing with the Nazis Running Fascistbook

Back at it after a three day suspension from Fascistbook, for posting a picture of an SS trooper with the words “Do you have what it takes to be a contact tracer?” I’m going to guess it was the woman who is a member of the terrorist organization the Muslim Brotherhood and who sits on Fascistbook’s Ministry of Information board who flagged the meme, or one of her associates. I’m sure she spends her nights sifting through the pages herself. Or Fascistbook’s algorithm can’t identify humor, like the Left in general. Either way, irony duly noted.

”We don’t allow symbols, praise or support of dangerous individuals or organizations on Facebook.” See aforementioned irony. And check out the FB pages for Antifa and Planned Parenthood while you’re at it.

In light of my two recent suspensions, let me make myself clear. Those who report their neighbors to the State for leaving their homes in accordance with their freedoms given by God and recognized by the Constitution, and those who are “contact tracers”, are in no way like those who turned in their neighbors for hiding Jews during the Holocaust, no matter how striking and numerous the similarities between the groups.

Fascistbook banning images of the Third Reich is in no way like the Chinese Communist Party hiding images of Tiananmen Square from its people. Not one bit.

There are also no similarities between the Nazis and the current Communist Chinese government that has every major corporation in the world by the throat, including Fascistbook, despite the same foundational philosophy, methodology, end goals, and fashion sense.

I also have never, ever been known for my sarcasm. Honest Native American.

But the Lord sees all and knows all, and will judge righteously in the end. Which will really stink for the other team.

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